Offer valid until 1 year from redemption date on your next order made through the Instacart app of $35 or more with one retailer. Orders containing alcohol that qualify for a free delivery promotion will be charged a $0.01 Alcohol Delivery Fee. Deliveries subject to availability. Service fees, special handling fees, and/or taxes may still apply. In order to take advantage of this offer, customers must have a valid account on with a valid form of accepted payment on file. Offer applies to delivery charges associated with an order of groceries from a single retail location only. Instacart reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time. Offer may not be sold, copied, modified, transferred or used retroactively for prior purchases. Offer has no cash value. Void where restricted or prohibited by law. Instacart is not a retailer or seller. Instacart may not be available in all zip or post codes.